Summer is officially here (it felt like it has been here forever) and I am ready to take these summer looks on full force. One thing about the summer time is that you want to be comfy, cool, and of course bomb! To be honest I did not know where I was going with the organization of this outfit, but I knew I wanted something different. I wanted this to define some difference within my style.
Let's just say I went in my closet and picked out anything without even trying it on. Not knowing how this collaboration of items would have played out, I describe it as being free.
Everyone should elect to be free in their own way to express their style; this is what this look represents. Don't hold back your inner FREE!
Outfit deets below:
Duster| Fashion Nova
Top| Rue 21
Bottoms| Fashion Nova
Heels| Fashion Nova
Bag| Aldo
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Aris and Julian did a nice job with hosting their engagement party at this venue. It also gave me a time to experience something new. I always wanted to visit and explore the arts of an art gallery, but I never got around to do it. Thanks to the future newlyweds I got that experience.

They set the mood for all things love with their own personal cocktails and of course bubbly champagne. We toasted to all things love and great things to come in the future; it was also the bride's birthday!
Enjoy some of the pictures that I took with my Iphone (I left my camera).
It's is a new month and I am beginning a new book. I set a goal for myself to read a new book every month, and so far I am keeping up with it. I recently just got finish reading Girl Code by Cara Alwill Leyba, and it is a great and very inspiring book. You can purchase her book or any of her books on Amazon. I will also be giving another review of her book in a later post, so stay tuned for that.
This month I am going to indulge into #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso. I watched the netflix series based off of the book and Sophia's changing life events, but I wanted more so I purchased the book. She really let loose a drive that motivated me to do better when it comes to my dreams and aspirations.
I am literally on this high of reading books that help guide me to a successful life. Uplifting books give me the extra to push to say, "Hey girl get on your game!" And sometimes that is exactly what you need to keep you going. There are points in our lives where we either get discourage or straight lazy; a great pick me up is exactly what we need.
Sophia has a story that may girls can relate to. So why not read a testimony of a transition within life that was great? Then, we too can do the same thing.
But I will let you bombshells and girl bosses know what I think about this book as well.
Comment below on some novels that you are reading this month.