Thee Morning Routine.
8:47 PM
Everyone seems to have some type of morning routine and it may be the exact same as others. Some mornings you may see yourself happy and ready to start you glorious day and other you may want to crawl back in you bed. Here is a little bit of my morning routine....
Checking My Phone. It's said to say but I am the kind of girl who sleeps with the phone right by her, under the pillow, on the pillow, you name it and I have been doing that since I got a phone (the age of 14, he he). Yes I know, it is a bad habit but I use my phone for EVERYTHING!
It is kind of a necessity because I use it for an alarm clock. However, before I get out of the bed I do waste like thirty-minutes of my life by checking Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snap Chat! With that being said though, I am never late when I have some place to be.
Breakfast. My next thing on my list is having a healthy breakfast because it is the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy breakfast allows me to be more energized, alert, awake, and feel completed. For breakfast I usually have a fried egg with a side a fruit, oatmeal, or yogurt... and one thing that I have to have with my breakfast is a hot cup of tea (pineapple and chamomile tea is my fav!). I started drinking tea because I was hooooookkkeeddd on coffee and it was not healthy, don't get me wrong I still have a cup here and there but I had to change my lifestyle a little bit. Tea is just overall healthy, 0 calories, and it still gives you that warm feeling like coffee.
Naye Rae