Just Do It. Be Your Own Inspiration.

6:21 PM

Just like any other person in life, sometimes we get out of whack and forget all about our aspirations. In order to fulfill those aspirations I feel that the best thing that you can do is be you own inspiration.

"Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim."
--Nora Ephorn

I know you all are wondering what does all this mumbo jumbo have to do with this post, well it all has to do with these Red Nike Air Max Tavas that I am wearing on my feet. 

I purchased these babies at Finishline and it was very adorable (to me), considering some sneakers cost up to $200!! However, these red babies gave me a whole new out look on sneakers and casual wear. 

This sneakers even gave me some motivation when I woke up this morning, by providing me with some guidance so I can JUST DO IT. Nike encourage me to just get out there and be the best that I can be with what I want to do. I am the only person that can want it for me! So I was on bit of a strike today lol.

I paired these Air Max with a nice crew neck white tee, some levis dark jeans, and a leather jacket to give it more of an edgy look. Trust me darlings, it is all about owning the looks and being who you want to be.

Remember the clothes don't wear you, you were the clothes.

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