Crisp and Simplistic
4:00 AM
I could not wait to put these pieces together from Fashion Nova. Simplistic pieces are my favvvvoooriite because that is everything that describes me. Simplistic looks are just so crisp and it keeps everything put well together.
When planning this outfit, I wanted to keep the outfit up to date, yet keep it me! What outfit is not together if it is not describing who you are. Be YOU!
This outfit came into full circle with Fashion Nova's best pieces. My jeans are from Charlotte Russe, which is about two years old (notice the hole on the pants leg). I also paired it with a piece from Tobi (click here for recent post), that I made a blog post on already. This choker bodysuit just sucks everything in the right places.
Of course I had to add a nice duster to go along with it. Fashion Nova's "Oh Fancy" duster in taupe makes everything flow just right with this look, and is perfect for layering for Fall.
To keep the crisp flowing in all of the right places, the "Glass Slipper"just made it more stylish and fashionable.
This is outfit has not got all of the wear out of it so trust you may see it on me again. Don't front, we all do repeats lol!
Outfit deets below:
Bodysuit: Tobi| Trench: Fashion Nova| Pants: Charlotte Russe| Heels: Fashion Nova| Clutch: Couture Services| Shades: Rainbow Shops
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